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Data Processing Agreement - GDPR
1. Data Processing Agreement preamble
2. The rights and obligations of the Data Controller
3. The Data Processor acts according to instructions
4. Confidentiality
5. Security of processing
6. Use of Sub-Processors
7. Transfer of data to third countries or international organisations
8. Assistance to the Data Controller
9. Notification of personal data breach
10. Erasure and return of data
11. Inspection and audit
12. The Parties’ agreement on other terms
13. Commencement and termination
14. Data Controller and Data Processor contacts/contact points
Appendix A - Information about the processing
Appendix B - Terms of the Data Processor’s use of sub-processors and list of approved sub-processors
Appendix C - Instruction pertaining to the use of personal data
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Help Center RetinaLyze
Data Processing Agreement - GDPR
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Data Processing Agreement - GDPR
Morten Kirk Guldager
Owned by
Morten Kirk Guldager
Sept 12, 2024
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