RetinaLyze ESB/Tele-medicine
What is the ESB?
The Eye Specialist Backup module (ESB) gives you the opportunity to send a photo of your customer’s eye to an eye specialist. The eye specialist will examine every received photo and send a response directly in RetinaLyze. You can expect a response within 2 working days.
As a point of departure, we give the following guidelines:
If the automated screening gives a green result there is no need to make use of the Eye Specialist Backup. If you notice something on the fundus photo yourself that raises doubt or questions, you are welcome to send the photo to RetinaLyze’s eye specialist.
If the automated screening gives a yellow result we encourage the customer to take another screening within 2-3 months. If the automate screening gives another yellow result the photo is to be sent to RetinaLyze’s eye specialist.
If the automated screening gives a red result we encourage that the photo is sent to RetinaLyze’s eye specialist.
The response from the eye specialist will consist of a red, yellow or green evaluation, together with a comment. It will not be possible to correspond further with the eye specialist. Instead, the patient is urged to visit a physical eye specialist, when RetinaLyze’s eye specialist gives a yellow or red evaluation.
How to use the Eye Specialist Backup module
To send a photo to an eye specialist and read the response do the following:
Run an analysis of the photo, as usual.
When the analysis is done you can click on the eye specialist icon beside the consultation date.
Fill in the the necessary information and click on “Submit”. The Eye Specialist icon will now turn yellow.
When the eye specialist has responded the icon will turn green, and you will have the possibility of clicking on it and view the response to the right of the photo.
The Eye Specialist Backup is an optional module that can be purchased and added to your RetinaLyze account. If you is not using the RetinaLyze ESB, you should cooperate with another telemedicine solution or local ophthalmologist. Please contact us, if you want this module activated on your license.
What information is necessary to provide, when using the ESB?
The manual assessment provided by the eye-specialist is based solely on the information provided by the operator. To receive a well-educated assessment of a patient, please fill in as much relevant information as possible and make sure that the images themselves are of good quality.
The information form, used when requesting a manual assessment, consists of multiple fields pertaining the clients symptoms and information. The form will adapt based on the information filled out (e.g. more fields appear if the patient is diagnosed with diabetes).
Tips for a Good Referral
It is important to fill out relevant information in the eye specialist backup (ESB) form so that the assessing ophthalmologist can provide an accurate response and make a good referral further into the healthcare system.
Here are some good tips on what questions to ask and examinations to perform.
Especially children and elderly people will often have difficulty describing their symptoms correctly.Therefore, always take complaints and parents' observations seriously.
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