RetinaLyze AMD
RetinaLyze AMD is an algorithm, which enables safe, efficient and fast investigation of potential pathological changes like minor white lesions on the retina, which could indicate early signs of eye disease like AMD in both clinical and retail settings. The purpose of the RetinaLyze AMD algorithm is to make it accessible to perform investigation for changes in the retina that could indicate early signs of AMD.
The algorithm analyzes fundus images and gives instant and easily understandable results. The entire process involves only the image from fundus cameras.
Before you continue reading about the RetinaLyze AMD algorithm, it would be a great idea to familiarize yourself with the eye disease, Age-related Macula Degeneration. Read more below.
What is RetinaLyze AMD?
RetinaLyze AMD is an algorithm in RetinaLyze that analyses a photograph of the retina, taken with a fundus camera, and find signs of changes (or lack of changes). In other words, RetinaLyze AMD screens a patient for signs of AMD. If the system finds changes, the patient is referred to an eye specialist for further examination and treatment. RetinaLyze AMD screens for signs of dry AMD (drusen specifically).
Always use an Amsler grid test and consider visual acuity along with symptoms when screening for wet AMD.
How to use RetinaLyze AMD
Who to screen
People over 40 years of age are the primary group of people, who at risk of developing AMD according to common knowledge1. Since AMD is a slowly developing disease, up to half of all AMD patients are unaware of their condition. Therefore, it may be a good idea to screen all patients/customers for AMD, specifically from an age of 40 and upwards.
Read about risk factors in the article about AMD here.
Initiating the analysis in the RetinaLyze WebApp
Please read the general Get started with the RetinaLyze WebApp (for Optometrists) before continuing, if you are new to the RetinaLyze Webapp.
Upload the fundus photo as usual (manually or automatically)
Initiate the analysis by clicking on "Run AMD analysis"
Understanding the results
The result of the automated analysis is displayed in two parts.
One is a colour-representation of the severity of the changes found (Yellow or Green), the other is an overlay showing the changes found (if any).
Colour summary of result
Green result
Green indicates that no pathological changes like minor white lesions on the retina have been found.
Yellow result
Yellow indicates minor white lesions have been found i.e. a few drusen which could indicate early signs of AMD.
AMD overlay
The AMD overlay marks changes, found by the algorithm, on the retina. The AMD overlay is available through the 'Toggle AMD-overlay'-button above the fundus images.
Above you see the same fundus image without markings (left) and with markings on the AMD-related changes (right).
Communicating the results & Taking action
In general
The RetinaLyze AMD algorithm and the result should be considered a tool for a screening or diagnostic process, and not a diagnosis in itself. A diagnosis for AMD, should always be carried out by an ophthalmologist during the subsequent full assessment of patients vision and general eye health in clinical settings.
The screening and information provided by the RetinaLyze AMD algorithm does not replace a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will be able to give the patient/client a more complete assessment of their vision and general eye health.
Green result
It's important to convey the following:
A screening, not diagnosis, has been performed for signs of dry AMD.
No indication of dry AMD has been found and the client doesn't need to be referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination for AMD.
If the client is already attending regular checkups with an ophthalmologist, has a scheduled appointment with an ophthalmologist, has been diagnosed with or treated for retinal eye-diseases or shows signs/has symptoms of eye diseases, they should keep attending their appointment(s) and/or seek medical attention, since green results may be false negatives.
An example of a formal communication of a Green result to the customer could be the following:
“RetinaLyze has performed a screening for early signs of AMD on a photo of your retina.
RetinaLyze AMD looks for indications of lesions i.e. drusen which could indicate early signs of AMD.
No immediate pathological changes were found which could indicate early signs of AMD.
On the basis of this analysis, there has not been found any reason to contact an ophthalmologist earlier than already scheduled."
Yellow result
It's important to convey the following:
A screening, not diagnosis, has been performed for signs of dry AMD.
Pathological changes were found which could indicate early signs of AMD.
The patient should contact an ophthalmologist in the near future (weeks) for further examination. It is recommended to be aware and notice any of the symptoms of AMD. The symptoms, which you should watch out for are: blurry or blind spots in your central/reading vision, straight lines appearing wavy, or reduced vision. If the patient experiences any of these symptoms, they should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.
If the client is already attending regular checkups with an ophthalmologist, has a scheduled appointment with an ophthalmologist, has been diagnosed with or treated for retinal eye-diseases or shows signs/has symptoms of eye diseases, they should keep attending their appointment(s) and/or seek medical attention, since green results may be false negatives.
An example of a formal communication of a Yellow result to the customer could be the following:
“RetinaLyze has performed a screening for early signs of AMD on a photo of your retina.
RetinaLyze AMD looks for early changes related to AMD, such as drusen.
Pathological changes were found which could indicate early signs of AMD.
On the basis of this analysis, it is recommended to contact an ophthalmologist in the near future (weeks) for further examination.
It is recommended to be aware and notice any of the symptoms of AMD. The symptoms, which you should watch out for are: blurry or blind spots in your central/reading vision, straight lines appearing wavy, or reduced vision. If you experience any of these symptoms, see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible."
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