Getting started with the RetinaLyze API

Getting started with the RetinaLyze API

The purpose of the API

RetinaLyze API enables a software or hardware manufacturer to provide their customers with automated screenings for signs of DR, AMD and Glaucoma or tele-medicine services as a built-in module in their existing software or hardware. The RetinaLyze API is primarily built for integration with (examples, not a limitation):

  • Patient Administration Systems

  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR) / Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems

  • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems PACS

  • Optician or Optometrist Journal software

  • Internal management software in larger chains of hospitals and optometrists.

  • Fundus camera software suites

  • and Internet connected fundus cameras.

The API can be white labeled to any vendor and enables the vendor to customize their own software entirely. The software delivers a simple analysis to the end-user without other information than the result. The vendor can customize the look and feel of their own software and embed the screening functionality and result from the RetinaLyze API. For more information about the concept and API's in general, please visit this blog post with the release information:

Go to Release information

How to get started

If you are interested in getting started with the API, here are a few key steps to get started:

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Need help? Get in touch with us via: https://www.retinalyze.com/contact