RetinaLyze API Documentation (for developers)

RetinaLyze API Documentation (for developers)

IMPORTANT! Please read the getting started guide, before proceeding:

Getting started with the RetinaLyze API

How it works

Your application sends a request to the RetinaLyze API, which includes:

  • A macula-centered white light fundus image of good quality (in .jpeg/.dicom format)

  • Your UserID, API Key and API Secret Key

After about 30 seconds, your application will receive:

  • A transparent overlay image, with markings on any alterations found

  • This image can be overlaid on top of the original fundus image to clearly point out the found alterations

  • The Red/Yellow/Green result in a JSON format

Important notes

There are minimum requirements for the fundus images that you intend to use with the RetinaLyze algorithms accessed through the API. Please find them here: Minimum and recommended requirements

The API supports both .DICOM and .JPEG file-types as input.

To request a JWT token (for trial purposes), please get in touch with us e.g. through https://www.retinalyze.com/contact .

The full RetinaLyze API documentation can be found here:

Go to RetinaLyze API Doc

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