RetinaLyze OCT
Introduction to the RetinaLyze OCT algorithm
RetinaLyze OCT, powered by , is an algorithm, which enables safe, efficient and quick screening using OCT in both clinical and retail settings. The purpose of the RetinaLyze OCT algorithm is to make it accessible to perform and receive screenings for signs of eye diseases (such as Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema).
The algorithm analyzes OCT scans and gives easily understandable results. The entire process involves only the B-scans from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) devices.
RetinaLyze OCT is a new module, which is available in the RetinaLyze WebApp from Q1 2022. It will also be made available through the RetinaLyze API in the near future.
If you have specific technical questions regarding OCT in general, please have a look at our article regarding OCT here.
Go to general article about OCT
How to use RetinaLyze OCT
Who to screen
We generally recommend screening all patients/clients (above 4 years of age) with RetinaLyze OCT yearly and especially those who:
Report symptoms of eye diseases, or
Receive a yellow/red result from the RetinaLyze fundus/retinal image analysis algorithms.
Initiating the analysis in the RetinaLyze WebApp
Please read the general Get Started guide before continuing, if you are new to the RetinaLyze Webapp.
Upload the OCT-scans as usual (manually or automatically)
Initiate the analysis by clicking on "Run OCT analysis"
In some cases, the algorithm may ask you to analyze another OCT-scan due to poor scan quality.
The detailed results
Heat-map overlay
The infrared (IR) picture of the retina (to the left) has a pathology heat-map overlay. The heat-map overlay consists of colored scanlines (a line for each B-scan). There are 3 groups/colors of pathological signs, which are explained in the Understanding the results-section.
Large B-scan
The large B-scan to the right shows the B-scan that you are currently viewing. Use the arrows on the page, or your scroll wheel on your mouse, to navigate through the individual scans. You can also click on the IR-picture to the left to select a specific B-scan.
Severity filter
Use the severity filter to highlight the group of B-scans which have the severity (green, yellow, red) that you would like to see.
Scan Quality
Scan Quality is a measure of signal strength. A higher signal strength leads to more reliable results.
Understanding the results
The result of the automated analysis is displayed in three colour codes.
The colour codes are a representation of the severity of the changes found (Red, Yellow or Green).
Colour summary of result
Green result - No pathology detected
Green indicates that no signs of diseases (no pathological signs) have been found.
Yellow result - Some pathological signs detected
Yellow indicates that there are indications of an eye disease. These could be conditions with normal BCVA (Best Corrected Visual Acuity) or slight deviation from it. Examples are minor pathologies in retinal layers, such as RPE disruption, single hard drusen, areas of epiretinal fibrosis without structural retinal changes, floaters, myopia, small changes in parafoveal zone.
The yellow result should be treated as a red result, if one or more of the following statements are true. The patient/client:
Has severe changes to their vision/acuity (blurred or loss of vision)
If none of the above are true, treat the yellow result as a green result.
Scan quality, such as patient blinking can impact results. If the algorithm cannot return a green result in such cases, it will return yellow. These issues can be easily reviewed and removed from the evaluation by the optometrist using the severity selection tabs.
Orange/Red result - Pathological signs detected
Orange/Red indicates that there are signs of eye diseases. That means conditions with significant changes in retinal layers are present. The patient will probably have low BCVA.
Examples of an orange result conditions that need treatment and follow up (epiretinal membranes, mild DR, soft or confluent drusen, diffuse macular edema, etc.)
Examples of a red result could be vision-threatening conditions such as retinal detachment, exudative AMD, geographic Atrophy, macular holes, etc.
Communicating the results & Taking action
In general
The RetinaLyze OCT algorithm and the result should be considered a tool for a screening or diagnostic process, and not a diagnosis in itself. A diagnosis for an eye disease, should always be carried out by an ophthalmologist.
The screening and information provided by the RetinaLyze OCT algorithm does not replace a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will be able to give the patient/client a more complete assessment of their vision and general eye health.
Green result
It's important to convey the following:
A screening, not diagnosis, has been performed for signs of eye diseases.
No indication of signs of eye diseases have been found and the client doesn't need to be referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination for eye diseases.
If the client is already attending regular checkups with an ophthalmologist, has a scheduled appointment with an ophthalmologist or shows signs/has symptoms of eye diseases, they should keep attending their appointment(s) and/or seek medical attention.
An example of a formal communication of a Green result to the customer could be the following:
"RetinaLyze has performed a screening for signs of eye diseases.
RetinaLyze OCT looks for anomalies in the structure of the retina. The measurements can be used as an indication that there are eye diseases/conditions out of the normal present.
No anomalies were detected in the structure of the retina.
On the basis of this analysis, there has not been found any reason to contact an ophthalmologist earlier than already scheduled."
Yellow result
It's important to convey the following:
A screening, not diagnosis, has been performed for signs of eye diseases.
Signs of eye diseases have been identified.
The client should be referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination within months.
If the client notices symptoms of eye diseases, they should seek medical attention earlier.
If the client is already attending regular checkups with an ophthalmologist, has a scheduled appointment with an ophthalmologist or shows signs/has symptoms of eye diseases, they should keep attending their appointment(s) and/or seek medical attention.
An example of a formal communication of a Yellow result to the customer could be the following:
"RetinaLyze has performed a screening for signs of eye diseases.
RetinaLyze OCT looks for anomalies in the structure of the retina. The measurements can be used as an indication that there are eye diseases/conditions out of the normal present.
A few anomalies were detected in the structure of the retina.
On the basis of this analysis, it is recommended to contact an ophthalmologist within months for further examination."
Orange/Red result
It's important to convey the following:
A screening, not diagnosis, has been performed for signs of eye diseases.
Signs of eye diseases have been identified.
The client should be referred to an ophthalmologist for further examination within weeks.
If the client notices symptoms of eye diseases, they should seek medical attention earlier.
If the client is already attending regular checkups with an ophthalmologist, has a scheduled appointment with an ophthalmologist or shows signs/has symptoms of eye diseases, they should keep attending their appointment(s) and/or seek medical attention.
An example of a formal communication of an Orange/Red result to the customer could be the following:
"RetinaLyze has performed a screening for signs of eye diseases.
RetinaLyze OCT looks for anomalies in the structure of the retina. The measurements can be used as an indication that there are eye diseases/conditions out of the normal present.
Anomalies were detected in the structure of the retina.
On the basis of this analysis, it is recommended to contact an ophthalmologist within weeks for further examination."
Have more questions?
If you would like to know more about the RetinaLyze OCT algorithm or have more questions, please have a look at the FAQ about the RetinaLyze OCT below.
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