Minimum and recommended requirements
Here are some guidelines to ensure a good experience with the RetinaLyze algorithms and accurate results.
Minimum requirements for image quality
Image is sharp and well exposed
Area around macula and optic nerve head clearly visible
No large reflexes or shadows
Main vessels clearly visible
Also see our guide to image quality here: How to ensure good / acceptable image quality
Requirements for fundus cameras
Minimum requirements for fundus cameras
Angle of view: At least 30°
Type of image capture/image type: Full color image (i.e. CMOS-sensor. SLO/Black and white/Red or Green free images are not supported)
ISO standard: ISO 10940:2009
CE-marking(for EU): 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive)
3 megapixel image (e.g. 2048x1536)
Recommended requirements for fundus cameras
Angle of view: At least 45°
Type of image capture: Full color image (i.e. CMOS-sensor - not SLO or Black and white images)
ISO standard: ISO 10940:2009
CE-marking (for EU): 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive)
5 MP (e.g. 2560x1920)
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