Requirements for using the RetinaLyze Webapp

Requirements for using the RetinaLyze Webapp


In essence

To access the RetinaLyze website (view and run analyses), you simply need an updated browser (Edge, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari) and Internet. The website is responsive and can be used on mobile devices as well.

To use the automatic upload-script (which automatically transfers images and data from Fundus camera to RetinaLyze), you need to use a Windows PC running Windows 7 or newer.

Requirements for viewing and running analyses

  • Any PC (with Windows 7 or later) or Mac (with Mac OS X or later)

  • A keyboard and a mouse

  • Internet connection with a minimum Download/Upload speed of 1/1 MbitĀ 

  • An updated browser (Edge, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari)

  • Any firewall should allow traffic to and from:

    • app-eu.retinalyze.com (Port 80 and 443)

    • app-eu-api.retinalyze.com (Port 443 and 8083)

    • eu-prod-oct-scans.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com (Port 443)

    • eu-prod-fundus-images.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com (Port 433)

Specific requirements for using the automatic upload-function

  • Any PC (with Windows 7 or later)

  • A keyboard and a mouse

  • InternetĀ 

Minimum Download/Upload speed: 5/2 Mbit, which equals around 10 second upload of images. Recommended Download/Upload speed is 10/10 Mbit.

RetinaLyze integrates with all common white-light fundus cameras and their software suites:

See the full list here

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Need help? Get in touch with us via: https://www.retinalyze.com/contact